Ethics application approved

Ethics application approved

The ethics application has now been approved for our investigation.

We may now proceed with the data collection.

We now need to do the following:

  1. Design the flyers for staff and students (statement about ethical approval should also be indicated)
  2. Develop Poster (LH/CH large screen advertisement)
  3. Update our website with relevant information about the study
  4. Informal discussion with potential interviewees (students/academic staff/ Personal tutor/librarians/other support and student facing staff)
  5. Setup email system to receive communications from interested participants
  6. Draft email communication for current students/staffs (Faculty group emails)
  7. Contact UoN communication team to send information to students and staff interested in taking part in this study.
  8. Identify good location (room in Creative Hub) for the interviews video recording
  9. Identify days for the focus groups (Tuesday morning/Thursday afternoon/Friday)
  10. Contact BAME Alumni students.

The whole month of December could be used to recruit participants for all 4 focus groups (taking place in January/February/March 2020).

We can start interviewing staff as soon as possible (the target is 15 interviews but more participants would be better).

All participants would sign the consent forms (photograph, video, audio) before data could be collected.