Project activation

First steps 

When you have been notified of your grant application being successful you must contact the RIFS team. This will initiate the process of turning the application into an award on Pure which allows you to upload important documents (e.g. payment schedule, contracts and partnership agreements) and will account for the amount correctly in any Faculty/University reports. 

You can download our Pure Post-Award Management guides which provides step-by-step instructions on the post-award process. 


Kick-off meeting 

Once you notify RIFS of a successful award a member of the team will be in contact with you to arrange a kick-off meeting. This meeting is the initial point of contact on post-award support where we can discuss the research project in more detail. This covers a range of topics ensuring that you are fully aware of all the requirements and responsibilities for yourself, the University, any partners and the funder themselves.  

Research project 

Once the kick-off meeting has been completed, a project will be created for your grant. It will start off as hidden until certain criterion has been met which include a brief project description, a start date, an end date and an associated award. Where relevant we would also like project partners, webpages, documents and related outputs to be uploaded. When the project is finished, we also want the key findings of the project uploaded.  

Ultimately, we want as many research projects as possible open to the public unless there are concerns around confidentiality. Until we have this bare minimum amount of information it will remain hidden. Having a public project increases yours and the University’s profile, as well as opening avenues for potential collaborators who see the work on Pure.