We’re sorry that the March drop-in has had to be cancelled. We expect to run it in April.

Our drop-ins are an ideal opportunity for a friendly chat with the team on all things research related.

We can give advice and support on all things research, from bidding for funding and  writing tenders to post award support and project management, to advice on forming collaborations and networks and working with businesses.  Perhaps you have questions on using the University systems, like Funding Institutional and Pure Award Management? We can help with all this and more.

So make a note of the dates, grab a drink and join us in Collaborate.



Faculty of Business & Law

Wednesday, 17th March 2021 at 1.30-3pm

Kathy Mortimer, Head of Research and Associate Professor in Marketing Communications, will also be joining this session to answer your questions.




Faculty of Health, Education & Society

Thursday, 18th March 2021 at 1.00-2.30pm

John Horton, Head of Research will also be on hand to answer your questions in this session.



Virtual Faculty drop-ins for January

Due to the success of our last virtual Faculty drop-ins we are running these again this month.

Our drop-ins are an ideal opportunity for a friendly chat with the team on all things research related. From Funding Institutional, Pure Award Management, funding and tendering advice to working with businesses and project support, we can help with all these and more.

So make a note of the dates, grab a drink and join us in Collaborate.

Faculty of Health, Education & Society

Wednesday, 20th January 2021 at 11am-12.30pm

John Horton, Head of Research will also be on hand to answer your questions in this session.

Faculty of Business & Law

Wednesday, 27th January 2021 at 1.30-3pm

Kathy Mortimer, Head of Research and Associate Professor in Marketing Communications, will also be joining this session to answer your questions.

Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology

These details will be confirmed soon.




Virtual Faculty drop-ins

We know it can be challenging balancing your teaching and research commitments along with finding the time to join drop-in sessions.

Working with your Research Leads we have set up separate Faculty drop-ins to give you the opportunity to chat with the RIFS team and discuss how best we can support you. Perhaps you are after some initial advice on a particular project, searching for specific funding opportunities or need support on working with businesses. Grab a warm drink and join us for a friendly chat in Collaborate.

Last month we held drop-ins for the Faculty of Business & Law and FAST. This month is the turn of the Faculty of Health, Education & Society.

Faculty of Health, Education & Society

Wednesday, 9th December from 12-1.30pm

John Horton, Head of Research will also be on hand to answer your questions in this session.


UoN Annual Research Conference 2020

The University’s Annual Research Conference will be delivered online this year with a jam-packed programme.

This year’s offerings include 12 parallel oral presentation streams, a roundtable with the Gender Research Group, two symposia, the famous Three Minute Thesis competition and a virtual social event. There’s more! the Conference will be opened by Professor Shân Wareing, Deputy Vice Chancellor and keynote speaker this year is Hugh Kearns, recognised internationally as a public speaker, educator and researcher.

All sessions will be available via Collaborate and you’ll find further details along with session links in the  full Conference Brochure here

For enquiries about the conference, please contact

2020 Diamond Research Awards

Message from Dawn Hibbert, Head of Research Support (Library and Learning Services)

Tuesday, 18th February was our second annual Diamond Research Awards night where we celebrated the research and researchers at our University.  We were all inspired by the 5-minute showcasing of research undertaken in each of the faculties and some of our institutes.  I decided that I’d like to either be Claire or Kimberley’s research assistant, but apparently I am not allowed to give up my day job… Something about the REF and Pure… The evening was compered by John Rose from Radio Northampton, who ensured that the evening ran smoothly, despite the crackling lights! 

We were presented with the premier viewing of Anthony Stepniak’s Chancellor Award Funded fourth video, about ‘The Benefits of Doing A Research Degree’… I thought momentarily about undertaking one, but felt it may be too “challenging” at present!  The short video will be released in the near future, and is a great tool for encouraging future students to take up the challenge of undertaking doctorate studies.

All our nominees were worthy of awards, but apparently the budget doesn’t stretch that far, so those that walked away with awards on the night were:

  • Excellence in Doctoral Supervision – Dr Amin Hosseinian-Far, Senior Lecturer in Business Systems & Operations and Professor Chris Roe, Professor of Psychology
  • Excellence in Research Mentorship – Dr Kathleen Mortimer, Senior Lecturer in Business
  • Research Impact – Dr Paul Jackson, Senior Lecturer in History
  • Public Industry/Engagement – Dr Callum Cooper, Lecturer in Psychology
  • Early Career Researcher – Dr Declan Ryan, Lecturer in Exercise Physiology
  • Pure Engagement – Institute for Social Innovation & Impact

Congratulations to all our awardees and to those who were nominated.  The research being done at the University of Northampton continues to be developed and makes an impact on Northampton and beyond.  Our staff continue to mentor and supervise others, bringing out the very best in our researchers.

The research support team continues to work behind the scenes to increase the visibility of our research outputs.  In 2019 research outputs from the University were downloaded from 209 countries, including Senegal, Bahrain and Turkmenistan!  Including downloads from keen academics, research support staff checking copyright and students eager to read their supervisors research, 80931 research outputs were downloaded in 2019!

Many thanks must also go to our Dean of Research, Impact and Innovation, Dr Cathy Smith who continues to work to enhance and drive forward the research of the University.


RIFS Drop-In for November

We’ll be setting up base in The Ground Cafe on the first floor of the Learning Hub for our drop-in this month. Come along between 1-3pm on Wednesday, 20th November for a friendly chat with the team. Look out for the RIFS pink banner.

You may be thinking of a particular project and would like some initial advice or on the hunt for specific funding opportunities and not sure where to start. No need to book for these sessions, just turn up. If you have something specific you’d like to discuss then drop us an email beforehand and we can be ready and waiting for you.

Our drop-ins are open to all Faculties, Research Institutes and PGR students. We are normally joined by a member from the LLS team who can assist you on a range of topics, including REF impact and Copyright.

RIFS Drop in – Join us on 21st October

Our drop-ins make a welcome return this month and you’ll find us on the sofas outside the Research and Enterprise office on the ground floor, Senate on Monday, 21st October from 10am-12pm.

Funding opportunities, project advice, collaborating with businesses – we can help with these and more. No need to book, just drop in for some friendly one-to-one support with the team. This session is an ideal opportunity to also meet with members of the LLS team who can support you with any REF and Research Management questions you may have.

Our drop-ins are open to all Faculties, Research Institutes and PGR students. If you are unable to make this one, don’t worry, these sessions are run on a monthly basis.

The Graduate School and RIFS drop in – 6TH June

We’ll be joining forces with the Graduate School and throwing open the doors to the Research and Enterprise Office. Come along between 1-3pm on Thursday, 6th June for coffee, homemade cakes and a friendly chat with the teams. You’ll find us on the ground floor of the Senate building, just behind reception.

Colleagues from the Graduate School will be on hand to help with those questions about research degree regulations and processes, or training and development. Whilst the RIFS team can offer support with your project, advice on funding, bid writing and working with businesses. There’s also the chance to chat with one of the LLS team on topics such as PURE and copyright.

This is an ideal opportunity to meet with a range of teams all at once and not to be missed. Our drop-in is open to all Faculties, Research Institutes and PGR students.

RIFS drop in – join us on the 29th April

The RIFS on tour continues and you’ll find us in the ground floor Cafe of the Senate building this month. Look out for our pink pop-up banner.

There is no need to book, just pop in between 9.30-11.30am or drop us an email beforehand if you’d like to discuss something specific.  Our drop-ins are an ideal opportunity for an informal chat with the team on all things research related.  From GRANTfinder, funding and tendering advice to working with businesses and KTPs, we can help with all these and more.

So save this date in your diary, grab a drink from the Cafe and come join us.

RIFS drop in for March

Pop this date in your diary and come chat with the RIFS team on Thursday, 28th March. We’ll be setting up camp in the green sofa area on The Market Mezzanine of the Learning Hub at Waterside. 

Struggling to find suitable funding opportunities or need guidance through the bid writing maze?  Or perhaps you have a project in mind and not sure where to start.  We can help with all of these and much more.  There is no need to book, just pop in between 10am-12pm.  You can always drop us an email beforehand if you have something specific you’d like advice on so we can be ready and waiting for you.

The mezzanine can be reached from the ground floor of The Market and up the stairs.  Be the first to find us to be awarded with a cake treat.