UKRI – European Union Exit

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has now published the first of five tranches of information about delivery of the government’s funding commitments for Horizon 2020, Research Fund for Coal and Steel and Euratom R&T.

UKRI aim to provide specific information on the following areas prior to our exit from the European Union (EU):

  • Further information about onboarding and other UKRI processes (17 October)
  • Information about guarantee coverage (23 October)
  • Information about UKRI contracts that UK beneficiaries will need to sign to access guarantee funding (by 31 October)
  • Guidance on funding for UK bids submitted to Horizon 2020 after Exit if the UK leaves the EU without a deal and further information about the ‘in flight’ assessment process (by 31 Octobe

Information about how to prepare

UKRI has a special email address for inquiries:

Additionally, the UK government’s Horizon 2020 Fact Pack can be found here

UKRI’s UK Research Office in Brussels has a factsheet here

For more information on the portal and to register your grant, please visit UKRI EU Exit