Intellectual property support for University staff and students

RIFS (Research Innovation and Funding Support) has created a resource found on NILE (Northampton Integrated Learning Environment) to help you become familiar with the University’s IP policy and processes. This user-friendly guide should provide you with a good understanding of the diverse types of IP, in the form of decision diagrams, downloadable information sheets, guides, and much more. You are also able to download templates that are essential for IP related discussions, negotiations and collaborations with partners. These templates are included with guides to explain the different types of agreements and different types of IP. You can find the list of documents at the bottom of each page in “Downloads”.   

It is important that you involve RIFS as early as possible so that we can offer you the most suitable advice and guidance. This will also ensure that the right documents are in place and the correct procedures are followed. 

If you require a tailored agreement or cannot find a document that suits your needs, please contact us at We will be able to support you through this process providing expertise and guidance throughout.