Good practice in collaborative research

There are some good practices that apply to all research projects whether it be a small scale two partner project or a large multi-million pound project:

  • Create a strong partnership with collaborators on the project. It is not just the project that is being delivered when you are working on the project: Building a relationship and creating a legacy of goodwill for any future projects is really important. It also enhances our reputation with the funder if a very successful project is delivered increasing the chances that both yourself and the institution are more likely to be successful with that funder again. 
  • Remain flexible with project roles and responsibilities. Roles are still being defined and worked out at the start of a project. 
  • Ensure communication between all parties is considered. English is not always the first language of every partner you will be working with.  
  • Have regular check-ups on the project ensuring that the project team is on target to achieve all milestones and reports throughout. If not, can anything be expedited to enable this, if not can you contact the funder for an extension with a reason why?
  • The types and scope of your research outputs can change throughout the project. It is, however, worth considering at the beginning of the project, where it may be best to publish your research and any associated article processing charges.