Public and Community Engagement & Participatory Research grant fund – Autumn 2023

The University of Northampton invites applications from university staff to the Public and Community Engagement & Participatory Research grants fund. Funding of up to £6,000 is available per project to support staff to delivering innovative research that is co-created to deliver wider benefits to the public and communities we engage with.

We will support a wide range of projects that might involve outreach work, patient-involvement, collaborative research, citizen science, participatory arts, lifelong learning, community engagement, and engagement with partners. In addition, we are happy to support projects that focus on community-based learning and widening participation. Our overall aim is to support projects that better connect the research and work of UON with our communities.

The fund can be pilot study research with the aim to build on this for future research projects or further development of an existing funded research project. The activities within the research proposal should be designed to inspire and inform, to evidence clear public and or community engagement and lead to demonstratable outcomes including, but not limited to, increasing knowledge and understanding, change in perspectives perceptions and or attitudes.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by any member of staff, at any career stage and we actively encourage individuals at all stages of academic career, including early career researchers.

Eligibility Requirements

Proposals may be submitted by any member of staff, at any career stage and we actively encourage individuals at all stages of academic career, including early career researchers.

For an initial discussion, please contact with “UON Public and Community Engagement & Participatory Research funding query” in Email Subject Line. All questions on the application form require a response, except where indicated.

Full Guidance Notes can be found here

To apply, please complete an Application Form (download a copy to your computer from SharePoint. Go to file, Save as)

For support with your costings, please contact your faculty accountant

Important note: Costs are not on a Full Economic Costing basis.  All funds must be spent by 31st July 2024. Refer to the Guidance Notes for additional costing requirements.

Finding the internal call to create the Pure Application workflow process.

Complete the application form and submit for approval on Pure Award Management allowing 2-3 days for approval to meet the deadline of 11.59pm, 24th November.