Research Impact and Engagement fund – Autumn 2023

The University of Northampton invites applications from university staff to the Research Impact and Engagement fund.

The Research Impact Fund is designed to support engagement and impact activities which will help you to:

  • Generate, enhance and accelerate the impact of your research, including supporting engagement and knowledge exchange activities likely to lead to impact.
  • Evidence the impact of your research, including through evaluation activities.

The aim of this fund is to ensure that the ‘real world’ impact potential of UON’s research is fully optimised, and that our research impact is robustly evidenced.

We are looking to provide funding of up to £5,000. We will consider larger applications though additional costs above £5,000 must be fully justified. This will be monitored at regular intervals to ensure the projects are on course to deliver the stated outcomes.

As there are limitations to the funding available, projects that will be, or have potential to be, included in the REF will be prioritised. We encourage all academics who wish to expand the impact of their research to apply.

What are we looking for?

All proposals must demonstrate how the planned engagement and impact activities link to existing or ongoing research produced by staff at UON. This could be research produced recently with the impact in the early stage of development or to enhance the impact of an existing research project.

We are looking for proposals which are carefully considered, and well-designed. They should contain a feasible and credible plan for generating, enhancing and/or evidencing research impact.
We especially welcome proposals which can potentially be matched to external research awards or bids. Where concurrent bids are made to both the Research Impact Fund and another internal fund, we would ask that the proposals complement rather than duplicate each other.


For queries relating to the call, please contact with “UON Research Impact and Engagement Funding Query” in Email Subject Line. All questions on the application form require a response, except where indicated.

Full Guidance Notes can be found here

To apply, please complete an Application Form (download a copy to your computer from SharePoint. Go to file, Save as)

For support with your costings, please contact your faculty accountant

Important note: Costs are not on a Full Economic Costing basis.  All funds must be spent by 31st July 2024. Refer to the Guidance Notes for additional costing requirements.

Finding the internal call to create the Pure Application workflow process.

Complete the application form and submit for approval on Pure Award Management allowing 2-3 days for approval to meet the deadline of 11.59pm, 17th November.