Exciting News! Launch of Internal Funding Calls

We are pleased to announce the launch of three internal funding opportunities. Grants available from £5,000 to £10,000 to support a range of research and innovation projects.

Early Career Researchers Small Grants Scheme

Funding of up to £5,000 is available per project to support the next generation of talented researchers delivering innovative research.

For this round of funding, we particularly invite proposals that address one or more of the following priorities:

  • involve interdisciplinary collaboration between ECR staff in different Faculties and Institutes
  • pilot study research with the aim to build on this for future research projects
  • further development on an existing funded research project
  • aim to achieve research impact (through scholarly output, public engagement, influence on policy or similar)

Eligibility requirements

You must be an Early Career Researcher to apply. See the University’s definition here

Call guidance here and submission is by completion of an Application form to Sharon.Lewis@northampton.ac.uk

Research Capital Fund 2022/23

Applications are invited for the Research Capital investment fund 2022/23. Funding up to £8,000 per project is available to support small capital bids that link directly to research outputs and impact.

Applications can cover:

  • Data and digital (including software upgrades, digital infrastructure, and digital equipment)
  • Non-digital equipment (this can cover new and replacement equipment)
  • Estates and facilities (research buildings and environment)


Open to all research active staff.

Call guidance here and submission is by completion of an Application form to Cathy.Smith@northampton.ac.uk

Support for Innovation & Research Ideas, Policy & Participation (SIRIPP)

The SIRIPP grant can support you to develop your idea and activity and help progress to further funding and support routes. Open to all University led ideas, innovations and projects with funding up to £10,000 available per project to fund academic time and resources.

Eligibility requirements

  • You need to have an external organisation to work with
  • Scope out future progression project plans for the idea – identify future funding, KTP, grants, joint bids
  • Research and impact plans – how will you progress this?

Call guidance here and submission is by completion of an Application form to Charlotte.Patrick@northampton.ac.uk

General Call Guidance

  • All applications must be submitted for approval on Pure Award Management and you must have Pure approval before submission.
  • Approval on Pure can take 2-3 days, ensure to factor this into your timeline.
  • Application deadline for all three Calls is Friday, 21st October 2022 and applicants will be informed of the outcome by Friday, 4th November.
  • All funded projects must finish by 31st July 2023.
  • Any items/services being bought in for the project must be delivered on site or have taken place by 31st July 2023.  Anything delivered or taking place after that date will count as expenditure in 2023/24 and will not be covered by this award, i.e., your faculty will have to fund this from their own budget, and you will need approval from your Dean to do so.  Please check with your faculty accountant before submitting your bid if you are unsure about this.
  • Funding for all three Calls will not be on a Full economic costing basis.

Review Process

This is an internal competitive application process, and all applications will be scored against a matrix.