Innovation & Research Ideas Grant

We are excited to announce the launch of our Innovation & Research Ideas Grant. Funding available up to £10,000 per project!

  • Have you an idea or innovation or potential research project with an external organisation that would benefit from funding to progress?
  • Are you looking for funding to enable a small research project?
  • Looking for travel grants to grow collaborations and build upon research?
  • Looking for support to help develop, build and grow partnerships with other institutions & external organisations?

The Grant can support you to develop your idea and activity and help progress to further funding and support routes. Open to all University led ideas, innovations and projects with funding up to £10,000 to fund academic time and resources.

Eligiblity requirements

  • You need to have an external organisation to work with
  • Scope out future progression project plans for the idea – identify future funding, KTP, grants, joint bids
  • Research and impact plans – how will you progress this?

There is a short Application Form and all costs need to be FEC and submitted for approval on Pure Award Management

Funds need to be spent by July 2022. Application deadline is Thursday, 24th March and successful applications will be announced by Monday, 4th April

For an initial discussion, please contact Charlotte Patrick

Funding Call details here