Virtual Faculty drop-ins for January

Due to the success of our last virtual Faculty drop-ins we are running these again this month.

Our drop-ins are an ideal opportunity for a friendly chat with the team on all things research related. From Funding Institutional, Pure Award Management, funding and tendering advice to working with businesses and project support, we can help with all these and more.

So make a note of the dates, grab a drink and join us in Collaborate.

Faculty of Health, Education & Society

Wednesday, 20th January 2021 at 11am-12.30pm

John Horton, Head of Research will also be on hand to answer your questions in this session.

Faculty of Business & Law

Wednesday, 27th January 2021 at 1.30-3pm

Kathy Mortimer, Head of Research and Associate Professor in Marketing Communications, will also be joining this session to answer your questions.

Faculty of Arts, Science & Technology

These details will be confirmed soon.