e-Safety game made using SMART Notebook

I decided to make an internet safety game using SMART Notebook. Below are some screen captures of the game:

Made using SMART Notebook

Made using SMART Notebook

Made using SMART Notebook

Made using SMART Notebook

Made using SMART Notebook

Made using SMART Notebook

The aim of the game was to place the statement in the correct vortex. The statements included ones such as “I should never give out my personal details to a stranger on the internet” and “People are always who they say they are on the internet”. This therefore encourages children to think about whether the statement is true or false and then place it in the right vortex. The quiz could be used at either Key Stage One or Key Stage Two but this quiz is more aimed at Key Stage Two due to the complexity of the vocabulary used. However, if the vocabulary was made simpler then this could be used with Year One or Two.

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