Session 3 of Digital Literacy required us to read Chapter 1 of the book Teaching with Tablets as essential reading. At the end of this chapter were 3 reflective questions- I have attempted to answer these questions:
1. To what extent does the idea of integrating the STEM subjects fit with your existing practice? Can you see added value in including the Arts to move from STEM to STEAM.
Science and technology are often linked together through overlapping topics such as materials, their properties and through experimenting on these materials. Integrating maths and engineering may make maths more engaging for some children as it is adding a more practical element. The subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) may be seen as tedious and uninteresting to some children, especially those who prefer creative activities; by adding elements of Art into these subjects it may rekindle the children’s interest.
2. What do you think are the main benefits of organising a whole school enrichment week? What are the advantages of using tablets to support whole school activities?
Organising a whole school enrichment week can provide a sense of community in the school and can draw year groups and classes together through the use of group work. A positive of using tablets is that the children of all ages in the school will practice using fairly new technology and will be introduced to new apps which can be used in future lessons in a variety of subjects. By all children using the tablets it ensures that all pupils have some form of competency with them, so this will not be a worry for teachers when planning future lessons.
3. Our case study used tablets for pairs of classes to share their learning. Can you see ways in which the might enhance your own teaching and identify the first steps needed to implement this approach?
By using tablets for pairs of classes to share their work, not only are the children gaining more ideas and feedback on their own work, it also enables the teacher to examine the progress and understanding of each individual child. This will lead to the teacher being able to provide work/resources in the next session that will further challenge the children who are fairly confident in their work and provide support for those who have not made as much progress. This will mean that the work will be differentiated. Sharing the work also acts as a form of self-evaluation for the teacher of their own teaching and previous lessons they have taught.