KS1 PSHE Activity


puppets emotions     emotion puppets

This activity is designed for year 1 or year 2.


Emotion Puppets – each puppet shows a different emotion

PowerPoint on the IWB with pictures that may inspire feelings in the children.


The children sit in a circle for circle time. The teacher shows the class the happy puppet, as it is perhaps the easiest to discuss.

The teacher asks the class what makes them happy. To give the class a starting point, pictures are shown on the IWB of things that may make them feel happy. Children can put their hands up to answer. Only a few children should be chosen to answer otherwise the activity will last too long.

The children will then discuss in small groups other emotions that they know about.  This is then shared with the rest of the class.

They then move on to a different puppet with a more negative emotion. The teacher asks the class what might make them feel this way. To answer this, a toy is passed around the circle with each child choosing whether they wish to answer.

In their small groups, the children will then discuss what they could do if they or somebody they know is feeling like this. This is then shared with the rest of the class and the teacher can add anything that is not mentioned.

This should be repeated for each puppet; the class discuss what emotion the puppet is showing and then think about what might make them feel this way. How the children answer can be changed each time, for example talk partners, small group discussions or noting down or drawing their answers. It is especially important for the more negative emotions that children are encouraged to consider what they could do if they or someone else feels this way.

Created by Anna, Will, Bradley and Kieran

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