WW1 Powtoon

Zoe and I created this Powtoon to help create an introduction for a WW1 lesson.

We decided that this could be used as the first introduction for the topic of WW1 as it outlines what the children will be doing throughout the topic and gives them their first task of looking at a photo and collecting their ideas on what they thought was happening.

This would be perfect to use in either KS1 or KS2 as it is an introduction into the topic and can be changed due to the topics that need to be covered or the first question you want the children to answer.

By using PowToon it is a guaranteed way to engage the children in the lesson as it is not the teacher talking to them it’s a new interactive way which enlightens children’s imagination and changes the structure of everyday lessons.

Review of PowToon

I feel PowToon is a great website to use in a lesson whether it is an introduction, plenary or as a focus task within a lesson, it has many uses for all subjects in the curriculum. There is a lot of different strands and opportunities that can be taken on PowToon both for children and teachers. It can bring all lessons to life and there can be many different themes that can be used for different subject areas.



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