A poster using ‘little people’ photos all about germs!

Here is a poster created using the apps Pic Collage and Skitch. We used the theme of ‘washing hands’ (PSHE) and took the theme of germs for our activity and we decided that the idea of using little people and taking photos of them in different places would be a great activity for children to interact with. Therefore we investigated Park Campus to find different ‘germy’ areas and took photos of the people on these germy areas. After taking photos on the iPad, we made a collage of all of the different pictures using Pic Collage. Pic Collage was easy to use and would be great for children to change the layout of where different pictures sit and the sizes of each picture. However, Pic Collage only allows you to add 12 photos into one collage, so if children had taken many more they would have had to make seperate collages. After creating our collage, we added text to the collage using skitch. We added the text using Skitch, which was also easy to use as you can change the colour and size of the text easily, positioning it where we wanted on the photo. Here is our overall ‘poster’:


Children themselves could place tiny people around the school on areas they think are germy, which would deepen their own understanding of what germs are and where they can be found. This activity could be used with many different ages, just adapting the activity towards the age and ability of the class such as putting the photos in a comic strip rather than a collage for something more challenging. It links into PSHE, however it could be adapted to any curriculum subject with the use of tiny people and the apps of Pic Collage and Skitch. This is a very adaptable activity and great to engage the children.


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