Getting to know you is Worksheet a great activity to use with a new class when beginning PHSE, its a really simple and effective way of getting to know the students and about their values and beliefs. This could be lead through a group discussion but i feel by doing it this way (through getting the children to fill in the sheet privately and independently then ‘posting’ them off to an unknown reader, you could make the children fill out the activity sheet and then seal them in an envelope and ‘post’ them in the class through a letter box) would allow the children to feel less restricted in the answers they are given and gives them the opportunity to write down exactly what they think without feeling the pressure of others hearing etc. By making the active more practical it should also engage the children more effectively and give meaning to their work. The activity uploaded is suitable for Key Stage 1 but of course could be adapted to any Key Stage or ability. You could differentiate the expected work by giving out different questions, offering multiple choice answers or allow for more drawing than writing.