Using Purple Mash

After exploring the purple mash website I decided to create my own activity which could be used within a lesson.The site is really simple to use and a great resource which i would defiantly use within my lesson! I decided to explore how the website, could be used to create a quiz activity that could be used to within any subject as a starter to a lesson or plenary to assess learning and understanding.The website allows you to do a huge amount to personalising the quiz and could be used to create a quiz around anything, you can set instructions, choose sounds, set time limits or target scores! Lets you insert photos and any text you want so it literally could use this activity in any subject! I have decided to highlight how computing and technology can be used cross circularly and created a quiz based around the Science National Curriculum.  It explains Pupils in  Year 1

Should be taught to:
 identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
 identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including tree’s.

I have decided to create a simple quiz to test the knowledge of the children based around these requirements! Below is a link to my activity! The activity can be adapted further eg more questions and developed to make it harder for higher key stage or ability students!

Click here to play!

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