In session 3, we discussed the vast array of ways in which iPads can be used in school – one of which was that pupils can use the various apps available to create their work. Lucy, Kelsey and I used the StoryBuddy app, which children can use themselves perhaps in literacy lessons, to create a story which could be used in the following way:
Focus: Healthy eating and fitness; national curriculum areas Sc2b and Sc2h.
Suitable for: Lower Ks2, year 3
What you need: iPad
What you do: read the story to the children, questioning them as you go along about the benefits of Ben’s lifestyle choices and the disadvantages of Bill’s. Could be used as a plenary.
Learning benefits: applies what they learn to real life situations.
Taking it further: could be linked to English by the children creating their own stories about healthy lifestyles. Healthy eating could also be taught further.
Contributor: Beth Conroy.