This is an app on the iPads where you can create your own story animation. Students will be able to either use characters already made or take pictures and use the pictures in the animation.
To use the app, the children will get to choose which characters and picture they would like to use. They will then be able to pick the background of each scene. The different characters and picture can be moved by placing your finger on them and moving it to the desired place. They can also be resized and rotated.
Once the record button has been pressed the iPad will record all the movements made on the screen, this means you can create your animation freely. A pause button can be pressed to change scenes and to stop the iPad recording until you press record again. The iPad will also pick you sounds for you to add to the animation.
This app is suitable for children from KS1 and KS2, to differentiate you can get higher ability children to use more animations and talk about why they used each scene, character and movement.