Prof Federico Farini, Sociology, has had two articles published with Dr Angela Scollan from Middlesex University. The first article presents some theoretical insight on the position of young children vis-à-vis the ideology of children’s rights. It is open access and the title is ‘The rise of the discourse on children’s right of self-determination. The case study of Early Childhood Education and its construction of children as agents in education’. It was published in the journal Language, Discourse and Society, owned by the International Sociological Association. The second article is about teachers’ representation of migrant children in the classroom, it is developed based on the use of narrative analysis and advances new theoretical insight on the role of trust in the positioning of children. It is again open access, and the title is ‘The role of trust in the positioning of Children with Migrant Backgrounds. Reflections on Teachers’ narratives from London primary schools’. The journal is Equity in Education and Society.
Federico also attended some conferences including the European Sociological Association Conference that took place in Inverness (July), the Sustainable Peace Education Conference in Turin and the final conference of the Horizon 2020 Child-UP project hosted by the European Commission in Brussels (June). Federico was invited to talk about Children’s Rights in Early Childhood Education at the University of Swansea (May).