Hayley Barton recently secured community funding from Persimmon Community Champion Fund in order to secure a base for a new intergenerational reading group, ‘Reading for Wellbeing’.
The group will involve older adults (aged 65+) reading alongside primary school aged children. Over the course of the scheme Hayley hopes to provide boosts to the wellbeing and cognitive function of older adults in the community. Hayley recently spoke to Daisy-Belle Downer on BBC Northampton, and will feature next month of the Northamptonshire Library podcast ‘For the Love of Books’ with Jo Hoyer.
In addition, Dr Kimberley Hill, Dr Josephine Chen-Wilson and Hayley Barton will be running a public event at Northampton Central Library for Global Intergenerational week. This event will celebrate all things intergenerational engagement, and there will be an opportunity for older adults and children to work together to co-produce a life story to be displayed on the Jubilee ‘communi-tree’.