
We welcome contributions to our resource bank.

Resources might take many forms: a lesson plan, a set of weblinks, a unit of work, a media resource to introduce a topic, or a template to help children visualise an end product. They could be as simple as  ‘My three top tips for…’ , a worksheet or a set of slides.

You will be able to add a resource by logging in, clicking on Teaching Resources, clicking on the Dashboard and then on Posts > Add New.

Please begin your resource with an image and a short title. Make sure to include visual media to illustrate your ideas. You can set one image as a Featured Image for the title (see ‘Set featured image‘ at the bottom right of the Dashboard). If it is someone else’s image check the copyright and provide a link to where it came from.

Here are some suggested headings to describe your resource. Feel free to use whatever fits best.


Key Stage:



Key Questions:



Taking it Further:

Useful Links:


Do make sure to include your name so that others can acknowledge you. Thank you for joining in!