
Just thought I’d share an idea for a KS1 computing session! I observed this whilst I was on placement, and the children loved it!
They used the PicCollage app on iPads to sort different images. Their topic for this term was plants, and they were focusing on sorting/classifying during science that week. So, in ICT they used these skills to sort images of seeds into different categories! They collected images from the web, and then sorted them into different categories to make a collage. I thought it was a great way to incorporate other curriculum subjects (like science, which was used in this session) into computing.  It was differentiated too, as the higher ability students were given the task of changing their background and font style etc. Overall, I thought it was a really good session! The class teacher even said she learnt a lot too!

This is an example of what one of the children produced:
seeds for blog


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