Vertical gardens hanging by a window

Norway International Day 1 – student reflections

Evaluation of Storytelling with Norway: 4th grade. 

Today we summarised what we did on the pre-day and talked together about the environment problems and solutions discussions we had. We also talked about the criteria we had for the stories. The pupils started to work on their stories in their groups and one adult helped with each group. We guided them in what they should do before filming their story, helped them translate their stories to English, and we came with ideas to how they could develop their stories. We also had an online meeting with the English pupils – the Norwegians danced the BlimE-dance for them and gave them a 360-degree virtual tour of their school. Unfortunately, we had a few problems with the sound during the meeting, so we had difficulty hearing the English presentation. However, we hope we are able to fix this ready for the next international day.

It has been a great day and many pupils have almost finished their stories. It’s inspiring to see how well the pupils engage with each other and how they come up with environment problems and solutions. It’s clear that they have learned about these themes before and that they are very aware of what they are doing in their everyday life that effects the environment. It’s also fun to see how much they like to work with their own stories, make plays and books and work more creatively than they are used to. It was also interesting that several of the groups thought they were finished after short time. To help them develop their stories over the next few days, we are going to ensure that each group has some time with a teacher. 

Martine and Jeanet

7th grade: Day 1:

Hi, everyone!

Tam and Anne have been in 7th grade at Spetalen school since 24.11.2021. The pupils were prepared before the first international day. In the pre-phase, the class participated in Food Saving Day in Norway by gathering information of what kind of food waste each household had.

On the pre-day, Tam and Anne had a PowerPoint to share the theme for this year and the also showed the pupils a prototype of the ‘vertical gardening’ idea. This helped the pupils to know what they going to build on the first day. 

The pupils were split into two groups; the first group made ‘vertical gardens’ and the second group made some PowerPoints about food wastage and sustainable development. The children then swapped tasks. 

Vertical gardens hanging by a window

Before lunch, we talked with the English pupils and the sound connection was much better – it went really well! Everyone was prepared and the meeting ran very smoothly. Before the meeting the students and teachers were planning what time we are going to meet on teams, but the English class weren’t ready, so we have to wait 30 minutes. 

vertical garden close upBuilding the ‘vertical garden’ greenhouse went really well, but it was a challenge to get all the plastic bottles and materials that we needed. Looking back we could have divided the class into two groups, and given the pupils the task they could work on in advance. 7 pupils were not in school today, so some of the other pupils needed to make an extra bottle for them. 


But overall the day went well. 

Anne and Tam

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