The Foundation For “Women’s Coin”


You know I sort of thought that as the millennium dawned we had reached the age of enlightenment and tolerance.  That the 21st Century was a brave new world promoting values of compassion, tolerance,  human rights and support for the eco system in which we live.

But in 2016 the world seemed to go into reverse   A vortex of narcissistic leadership emerged fuelling individual’s base fear, hate and distrust of others who are different in race, colour, creed and sexuality.   Pinning economic failures on others rather than promoting a reliance on self-empowerment. 

Gutted! Where are we, as a human race – if we do not have compassion?

The murder of MP Jo Cox sadly reflected the emergent vortex of hate. She should not have died in vane her words shine as a beacon for us …

We are far more valued and have more in common with each other than things that divide us

Women as creators of life have a strong desire for the world to be better – for our children, and their children’s children.  It is in our DNA ….  The role of women as protector nurturing the next generation is part of the fabric of society.

The Trump inauguration triggered a reaction unprecedented in modern times.   Our ancestors paved the way for women to march and make their voices heard.  And march they did.  The women’s march made history – in a show of global solidarity over 4 million women marched in cities around the world.  Not just women but men and their children showing support for basic human and family rights.

The march was a line in the sand. 

Listen to our voices. Ah but do not just listen to our voices – listen to the power of our money

In the US women have decision-making power over $11.2 trillion, or 39 percent of the nation’s estimated £28.6 trillion in investable assets.  According to Salie Krawcheck, former president of the global wealth management division of Bank of America …

Women are on their way to be the majority of US millionaires in the not too distant future

Her advice is to “offer values-based investing services”.   She used to think that social impact investing was “not real investing” but she says she has changed her mind – women really want to “have a fair return and have an impact”

It is the power that women will have over investment and spending that will bring about societal and political change.  The Foundation for Women’s Coin will be at the forefront of the change.


The intent is ambitious, but easily within grasp.

The Foundation for Women’s Coin creates a platform “The Coin Collaboration” of Philanthropic Organisations, Foundations, Women’s networks, aligned organisations and individual women to join forces and use their fiscal power to deliver social and political change.

The Coin Collaboration has a set of values and guiding principles that members are asked to sign up to.  Trust between members is paramount.  The power of many can be used to focus on one key women’s goal.   Members can decide if they wish to collaborate and focus their energy to maximise impact – or whether small, local changes work for them.  The Coin Collaborative is democratic member driven Foundation.   Once part of the Collaboration members can use their purchasing power through Women’s Coin to affect the change they want. 

The Foundation will seek to be an exemplar in the world of alternative currency – setting standards and a charter mark (endorsement by the United Nations).    Women’s Coin will set a new value base for financial organisations that is driven by women to bring a new realism to the current profit/bonus driven financial institutions.


Our mission is to bring about change, in collaboration with others. that will improve the lives of women and children, ensure social progression and foster self-reliance and self-esteem.  Purchasing power by women for women.

Women’s Coin is not just another Fintech offering alternative means of finance – it has a soul and intent to deliver solutions and hope

Women’s Coin promotes the core values of integrity and respect for diversity and the 17 underpinning principles of the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 


Finance:  It makes fiscal sense

  • Maximise every transaction – no deduction of fees or overhead charges
  • Build financial resilience
  • Ensures those who need funds – get funds

Global Connectivity

Women’s coin creates a women’s social movement of connected individuals, and aligned profit and not for profit organisations.  The power of social media and the internet of value ensure mass connectivity and profile across the world

Social Value

  • Promotes social value investment
  • Reinforces the purchasing power of women to influence policy makers, public bodies, employers, and services

Adoption and Engagement

The creation of a global social movement has appeal and benefit for individuals and organisations.  Connectivity Is a click away.  The documented journey will be the vehicle for promoting vision and the hurdles to be overcome and the joy “Women’s Coin” brings to the lives of ordinary women. The profile provides momentum and adoption.


The Foundation for Women’s Coin will use latest blockchain cyrptocurrency technology.  The aim is to bring about change, in collaboration with others. that will improve the lives of women, ensure social progression whilst fostering self-reliance. 

The journey from concept to “Coin Collaboration” will be the subject of a film documentary. The documentary will capture the highs and lows of delivering societal change through blockchain technology and people power.  Excepts will be posted on YouTube – going viral with the message of the power of women to support other women.

The concept that … if women use the currency they can make informed decisions of where to make investment (eg ethically sourced investment), procure services founded by women, use the coin to help developing countries help themselves and avoid corruption (especially those with closed currency). They create a new climate in banking where the disproportionment of salaries between the top and bottom of organisations are not rewarded through women’s investment. Stop unpalatable bonuses in banking where behaviours and targets are not rewarded. Be a new ‘paypal’ for women … womenpal

Visiting Professor Christine Bamford

15 thoughts on “The Foundation For “Women’s Coin”

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