Tag Archives: planning

Roald Dahl Day coming soon

Why not start the term with a celebration on Roald Dahl Day – 13th September? This year it is 100 years since he was born in Llandaff, Wales – there are lots of events and ideas suggested on the website. … Continue reading

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Is your school ready for Science Week?

There is a wealth of material and information available at the British Science website. Once Science week is over, the resources and activities  will be useful to support curriculum topics across all age groups over the year. Follow the link … Continue reading

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A self-assessment guide for school staff – Making best use of teaching assistants

The Education Endowment Foundation have created a self assessment guide to go along side their report, Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants, which sets out seven evidence-based recommendations on the effective use of TAs. This Red Amber Green (RAG) self-assessment … Continue reading

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Can you find a good festive resource?

Many free resource sites offer a wide range of resources with bespoke pages for the festive season. Why not try the   site to: ‘Celebrate in class with these festive teaching resources, activities and lesson plans, which include Christmas shopping … Continue reading

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What could you do for National Tree Week – 28th Nov-6th Dec?

The Tree Council are celebrating their 40th National Tree Week from 28th Nov. to 6th Dec. 2016. Explore their website and see if there are any events near you or why not hold your own? National Tree Dressing Day is … Continue reading

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Anti Bullying Week – 16-20th November

Is your setting doing any work to coincide with Anti Bullying Week? The website will give you ideas and resources to support pupils in your school; the Theme for the week is: Let’s Make A Noise About Bullying. There are … Continue reading

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Are you teaching children how to be healthy?

The Change4Life website offers lots of resources in their School Zone. These are linked to ‘Healthy Eating’ and ‘being Active’ with down loadable resources and ideas that include cross curricular links – well worth a visit. https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools

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Planning an educational visit or school trip?

  If you are looking for ideas when considering how to enrich your school’s curriculum with an off-site visit, you could explore the site provided by ‘PlanMySchoolTrip’. This was established in 2012 to provide teachers , support staff and EVCs … Continue reading

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