The AI Wallet

This project aims to develop an Artificial Intelligence Wallet that would help one make personalised informed business decisions and transactions within the Seratio blockchain. The AI Bot inspired digital wallet would recommend products, processes, suppliers to individuals and organisations based on personal preferences. Personal preference here refers to each individual or organisations’s desired total transaction value that incorporates both the tangible asset value and the intangible value. Each individual or organisation’s total value is calculated and represented using the Social Earnings Ratio metrics. For example, consider the process of buying a product by logging into Amazon’s website: A customer can search for a product by specifying various criteria such as price range, customer ratings, delivery time, etc. The website would then display relevant products matching your specified criteria. The customer can then make a selection and purchase a product. Now, Amazon stores your browsing and purchase history. The next time the same customer looks to purchase such an item, Amazon makes suitable recommendations based on his/her history, on what other customers with similar choices purchased and so on. The AI wallet would do something similar within a Seratio blockchain by making suitable recommendations based on criteria including both financial and non-financial values. The AI wallet could also go one step further and complete the blockchain transaction. The service could also be ultimately offered in the form of mobile apps.

For further information, please contact Dr Suraj Ajit at

8 thoughts on “The AI Wallet

  1. Wow, a wallet with artificial intelligence is really cool! The only thing is, I have no idea how it will be implemented so that it won’t make any mistakes. But in theory it sounds very cool! By the way, I watched your video and it made me laugh, great done, you converted it by any chance with this? Because I see that the edges of the video are cropped and most likely it was copied more than once.

  2. يمكن تنظيف الأسطح الخشبية الأخرى مثل الأوعية الخشبية وغيرها باستخدام بعض المنظفات المنزلية غير الضارة والآمنة عن طريق اتّباع الخطوات الآتية: إحضار ليمون، وزيت زيتون، وماء، ووعاء. قطع الليمونة إلى نصفين، وعصرها في وعاء، مع التأكد من إزالة اللب والبذور من العصير. إضافة ملعقة كبيرة من زيت الزيتون وأخرى من الماء. تحريك المزيج جيداً باستخدام الملعقة ، أو وضعها في وعاء وإغلاقه ورجه جيداً لضمان انتشار عصير الليمون وزيت الزيتون جيداً في الماء، ويُمكن استبدال الليمون بالخل الأبيض المقطر، وإضافة ملعقة كبيرة واحدة من الخل لكل ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة من زيت الزيتون. إحضار قطعة قماش قطنية، وغمسها في المحلول، ثم عصرها لتصبح رطبة وليست مبللة، ثم مسح الأوعية الخشبية بقطعة القماش هذه.

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