9 thoughts on “Empowering Consumers in the Circular Economy. Is Blockchain the Missing Link?

  1. Thank you Luciano for the interesting topic. Just a quick reflection. Blockchain is first of all an immutable database. Therefore, blockchain system can help track the product through it’s life cycle, including ownership history and supplier details. It thus offers a comprehensive and unbiased raw data pool of product, producers, suppliers, process and even industry details. Introduction of the non-financial badging of the product life cycle, including non-financial badging of the producers, suppliers, and all the relevant actors would give a further insight into the the nature of the restorative capabilities of the three – product, process and supply chain. Blockchain would thus enable circular economy advocates (not just individuals but anyone: companies, institutions, government bodies, etc) monitor, compare across and analyse which parts of the product life cycle are more “valuable” that others. For example, which techniques work and which doesn’t, where inter-actor communication is successful and where it needs to be improved and so on. I believe that this kind of non-financial badging together with blockchain would in turn contribute into a faster adoption of the circular economy.

    • I see your point on the circular economy and the trackability by applying badges. I am still unsure about the transferability of language across different domains. If the language is exotic, unclear or lacks correspondence in another domain there would be issues in making people understand what blockchain is what it does?

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