Join us at lunchtime – 26th February from 12pm – 2pm

You’ll find us in the Faculty of Business & Law Academic workspace for our drop-in session on Tuesday, 26th February. Armed with our pink banner, we’ll be based on the sofa area in LH201 of the Learning Hub, Waterside from 12-2pm – perfect timings if you need to catch up with us over your lunch break.

We can help on a wide range of services such as bidding for funding, tendering advice, running a successful project and working with businesses. Our drop-ins also give you the opportunity to chat with the LLS team on  various topics including REF preparation, Copyright and Referencing.

So make a note of this date, bring your lunch and come join us.

New Year, New Resolutions – Join us on 23rd January

We’ll be setting up base in the Faculty of Health & Society Academic workspace on Wednesday, 23rd January for this month’s drop-in.  Look out for our pink pop-up banner in LH301 on the third floor of the Learning Hub at Waterside.

Come along between 1-3pm for a chat with our friendly team about all things research related.  Need advice on REF2021 or Pure?  Nick Dimmock from LLS will also be on hand to answer your questions on these.

No need to let us know in advance if you’re planning to drop by, but if you have something specific you’d like to discuss then drop us an email so we can be ready and waiting for you.

Innovate UK – Key Points from Budget 2018

In October, Phillip Hammond delivered his third budget as Chancellor.  Here is a summary of the key announcements that are relevant to our activity here at the University of Northampton and where we could potentially collaborate with businesses and partners to develop projects.

  • Up to £315m investment in the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund to support businesses with high energy use to transition to a low carbon future and to cut their bills through increased energy efficiency.
  • Allocation of £20m for Plastics and to boost recycling. This includes £10m more funding for Plastics R&D.
  • Up to £121 million for Made Smarter to support the transformation of cross-sector manufacturing with digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things and immersive technologies. Construction, Food and Drink, Pharma and Aerospace are four industries studied to have an estimated £185bn value at stake.
  • A new £50m per year fund designed to address the most pressing challenges in areas such as public health and cyber security. The fund will focus on joint programmes between government and industry, and will begin in 2021-22.
  • £78million for the Stephenson Challenge to support innovation in electric motor technology, making vehicles lighter and more efficient.
  • £25m to boost business productivity through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – email Charlotte Patrick, Key Sector and Knowledge Transfer Manager, if you have a business relationship or an idea that could be delivered by a KTP
  • Government will launch a consultation on how to encourage greater innovation in the utilities sectors.
  • £235m additional funding to further develop the quantum technology programme. This includes £35m for the National Quantum Computing Centre and guarantees £70m for quantum from the ISCF fund.

Further information on these areas will follow in due course, but keep an eye on GRANTfinder and if you have initial thoughts on projects that could fit into these areas please email the RIFS team.  You can read the budget in full here

RIFS drop-in for November

We’ll be in the Faculty of Education & Humanities and FAST space for our next drop-in session on Monday, 26th November.  Join us at the sofa area in LH101 of the Learning Hub on Waterside between 11am-1pm.

You may be thinking of a particular project and need advice to take this forward or on the hunt for specific funding opportunities.  We can help you with these and offer some friendly advice. No need to book, just turn up. If you something specific you’d like to discuss then drop us an email beforehand and we can be ready and waiting for you.

Warm refreshments are available from the Jamica Blue Café or The Market, both on the ground floor of the Learning Hub.