Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Support Programme – Autumn 2023

The University of Northampton (UON) has established the ‘Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Support Programme’, supported by funding allocations from Research England (QR and HEIF and RIF). This programme of funding seeks to support the development of knowledge exchange and enterprise across the institution, and to build capability to work with research users, policy makers and communities to bring about meaningful change in society.

As part of programme activities, a proportion of funding for 2023/2024 has been allocated to deliver and support a suite of ‘Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise projects that reflect the diversity of KE activities.

What is knowledge exchange?

Knowledge exchange (KE) brings together academic staff, users of research, and wider groups and communities to increase the impact of research. The process encourages the sharing of ideas, data, experience, and expertise, which is mutually beneficial to all parties involved.

Engaging with external organisations often generates new ideas, creating opportunities to explore new avenues for research. It can also make teaching more relevant to students’ job prospects, improve teaching practise, and provide additional funding sources.

There is a growing recognition that universities have a vital role to play in the economic prosperity, quality of life and cultural enrichment of their communities. Engaging in KE helps us meet the increasing expectations of Government, policy makers, the public, funding bodies and the Research Councils.

Why do knowledge exchange?

Knowledge exchange activities help increase the impact of research. Impact is defined as the ‘demonstrable contribution of research to changes that bring benefits to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life’.

Collaborating with external partners, whether from the public, private or third sectors, or from other academic institutions, can give your research an advantage.

There are many benefits to engaging in KE activity including:

  • Making a difference to society
  • Testing the practical application of your research
  • Gaining access to the latest technology and facilities
  • Developing mutually beneficial links with leading external contacts
  • Gaining new ideas and insights for cutting edge research projects
  • Strengthening your academic profile
  • Providing opportunities for students to engage in Knowledge Exchange
  • Contributing to the success of our economy


Aim and objectives of KE funding programme

A key aim of the programme is to support collaboration and projects with non-academic partners, including local, regional, national, and international organisations (including central government and their agencies, devolved administrations, local government, health and education bodies, the justice system, and other regulatory organisations), businesses and communities (including formal and informal community groups).

We want to support different ways of working with users of research to bring about a positive change in our world.

  • To enable the aims of the university’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategy;
  • To be an agile, flexible scheme that supports Knowledge Exchange and enterprise activities.
  • To support new KE and impact activities or further develop work already underway, connecting into other sources of funding and support as and where appropriate.
  • To champion transdisciplinary and innovative ways of working across UON.
  • To develop individual KE and impact skills and experience in relation to how researchers work with research users.
  • To contribute to raising the profile of University of Northampton regionally, nationally, and internationally.

What we’re looking for in the KE application

The funding is open to academics and professional service staff working in all disciplines and at all levels.

We are interested in projects that are focussed on “making change together” and generating ‘value’.

Applications should meet the definitions of Knowledge Exchange and contribute to at least one of the strategic objectives of the Research and Knowledge Exchange strategy outlined below:

  1. Invest in creating a healthy, sustainable and supportive research, enterprise and innovation environment where diverse and dynamic people can flourish. (People)
  2. Embed an open, responsible, rigorous, and sustainable quality-led research and innovation culture. (Quality)
  3. Support and enhance collaborative public, community and business engagement in research and innovation that focuses on local, regional, national, and international priorities. (Place)
  4. Increase and diversify our research income with a strategic alignment of research and enterprise initiatives to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), wider funder priorities and external stakeholders. (Income)
  5. Build operational excellence into our research and enterprise systems, processes, and support. (Environment)
  6. Raise the profile of UON research and knowledge exchange activity. (Engagement)


The funding can be used to build on new activity or ones already underway; for new strands of activity related to existing research and projects, exploring innovative ways of working, and to build capacity for future activity. The following 5 categories of funding are available:

KE Voucher (up to 8k)

This can be used to cover academic time and to access an intern to develop a project. The intern/placement is a student role. The £8.0k is the total allocation for the KE activity for the company. The companies will be SME’s, based in Northamptonshire and employ around 50 employees.

Enterprise (£7K) 

Support the development of enterprise ideas, students, and staff within the University, are invited to transform their idea into a business up to the value of £7k.

Innovation and Commercialisation (£15K)

Exploring commercialisation as a pathway to impact. Establishing new paths to achieving research impact through its adoption on a commercially sustainable basis. Work with internal experts and external partners to develop novel products and services that maximise the adoption of your innovation in the most economically sustainable way.

Problem Solving (£3K)

We are looking for innovative ideas that address real-world problems that exist in industrial, commercial, and social sectors. This includes private, public, and third sectors. This seed funding is for feasibility, proof of concept, and pump-priming for further funding and project growth.


One-off cost for software/staff capacity building, for KE, e.g., formal training, mentoring, sharing best practice and engagement in relevant networks and communities.

Eligible activity types:

Facilitating value generating opportunities in research/commercialisation/problem solving

  • Collaboration and Partnership with non-academic stakeholders e.g., activities demonstrating collective problem-solving with external stakeholders.
  • Innovation in product development (new services and goods) to provide solutions in the marketplace.
  • Improvements in public health, justice and public safety, the economy, or the environment.
  • Scoping or pilot for a proof of concept: demonstrating the extent to which a research area will be explored. A small-scale market research project to test its effectiveness before investing more time and money into a large-scale project.
  • Exploring commercialisation as a pathway towards Impact.
  • Enabling your innovation to be widely adopted and self-sustaining, including establishing new enterprises and generation of revenue from commercialisation.
  • Activities that support engagement with more entrepreneurial ways sustaining your impact work e.g., ideation workshops.
  • Exhibiting at an industry-specific event to showcase potential collaboration opportunities or translational research activities.
  • Advertorial, podcast or interview for an industry or professional body publication, website
  • Sandpit or hackathon style event to explore industry challenges and academic solution in specific industry or research area, to generate future consultancy/commercialisation.
  • Generation of IP, patents and licensing that establish expertise and have potential to contribute social/economic value.
  • Initial market research and end-user engagement.
  • Acquiring an understanding of the value to the end-user of the proposed solution.
  • Establishing partnerships and potential co-development opportunities.
  • Focus groups to gather feedback from a wider range of end-users and stakeholders.
  • Scoping the competitive landscape.
  • Searching for prior art for IP purposes.
  • Testing a product or service that is already useable.
  • Offering free trials to potential customers.
  • Prototyping.
  • Funding for 3D printing of e.g., a mock-up of a consumable product.

Knowledge exchange and business productivity

  • Business or industry needs analysis project, including systems, training, development, and workforce reviews.
  • Raising awareness and understanding of important issues and discoveries, generating emotional connection with issues of importance, learning from stakeholders (alumni/professional networks, staff, general public).
  • Student placements with explicit knowledge exchange purpose.

Infrastructure Development

  • Activities/tools that accelerate/enable KE to take place – e.g., software.
  • Capability Building e.g., workshops, training, and knowledge transfer/exchange events.
  • Activity and training to better equip academics, to communicate effectively with policymakers.
  • Partnerships and collaborations aimed at supporting evidence-based policymaking.
  • The exchange of people – e.g., short-term placements, exchange schemes.

Enterprise Activity

  • New or existing project ideas from staff/students that require seed corn funding.
  • Can include small capital purchases.
  • Developing a consultancy/CPD offer to take to external market.

For an initial discussion, please contact with the funding area you are applying to in the Email Subject Line. All questions on the application form require a response, except where indicated.

Full Guidance Notes can be found here

To apply, please complete an Application Form (download a copy to your computer from SharePoint. Go to file, Save as)

For support with your costings, please contact your faculty accountant

Important note: Costs are not on a Full Economic Costing basis. All funds must be spent by 31st July 2024. Refer to the Guidance Notes for additional costing requirements.

Finding the internal call to create the Pure Application workflow process.

Complete the application form and submit for approval on Pure Award Management allowing 2-3 days for approval to meet the deadline of 11.59pm, 24th November 2023.