Erasmus+ co-funding Grants

With the 31 October 2019 fast approaching, the University needs to ensure that it has fulfilled its obligations if a No Deal Brexit occurs. If you are leading or partnering an Erasmus+ Grant co-funded project you should already be aware the UK government has confirmed that in a ‘no deal’ scenario, it will underwrite Erasmus+ grants already agreed by exit day subject to existing projects being deemed ‘viable’ to continue. However, the underwrite will not cover funding committed to partners and participants in other Member States and other participating countries.

Details still need to be clarified by the government around the term ‘viable’ and how we work with Erasmus+ partner countries that are not underwritten by the UK government.  This information will be shared once it becomes available.

To ensure that all our Erasmus+ Grants are underwritten, the RIFS team need to provide the Cabinet Office with a list of Erasmus+ co-funded Grants with supporting evidence and amounts still owed. If you are working on an Erasmus KA2 project and have not received an email from us, please get in touch with Paul Bramble, Research Project Manager, urgently.

Please note Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (Student and Staff mobility) or European funded streams (ie Horizon 2020) have different guidelines and submission processes.

Further information can be found at UK Erasmus+ National Agency and Universities UK