Federico Farini & Angela Scollan

In and out of the digital worlds.

Hybrid transition as a conceptual tool to explore new forms of  children’s agency.



Hybrid transitions is introduced as a theoretical tool to explore transitions between the digital and non-digital worlds as spaces at the intersection between young children’s agency.

Hybrid transitions between digital worlds and non-digital worlds are dense social spaces, rather than mere temporal sequences Observations suggest that the experiences enhanced by digital technology become the pivot for children’s production of interlaced narratives. Individual narratives are “interlaced” in co-constructed group narratives authored by the children through face-to-face interactions.

Interlaced narratives, and their interactive co-construction, represent a form of agency within the peer groups.  Children’s agency is observable as authorship of narratives based on digitally-enhanced experiences.

However, data suggest that hybrid transitions and children’s agency in the use of digital resources may represent a blind spot for the adult. The divergence between children’s agency and adults’ curricula-driven agenda can generate a form of digital scotoma, where hybrid transitions become elusive.

Adults  should be mindful of unforeseen but nevertheless important spaces of children’s agency in the transition between digital and non-digital worlds. The observation discussed suggests that the use of digital technologies by a small group of young children may be the context for hybrid transitions that open opportunities where personal memories and narratives can be produced and negotiated.

Hybrid transitions will inevitably occur between digital and non-digital exploration, and it is here suggested that the observation of interactions and communication at the encounter digital and non-digital worlds can be of the greatest importance to promote a culture of mutual trust and positive engagement in contexts where the use of digital resources impact on children’s (and adults) experiences and learning.


Reference: Farini, F., Scollan, A. 2019. In, out and
through digital worlds. Hybrid transitions as a space for children’s agency.
International Journal of Early Years Education, 28 (1): 36-49

Federico Farini, farini.federico@northampton.ac.uk, Angela Scollan (Middlesex University)