Project News

The latest updates from the project team will be posted here.

*Resource downloads now pass 2000!* March 2024

It is so exciting to report that over 2000 educators have now downloaded the Our Class resources to use in their schools. Thanks for all the support so far. Please do provide feedback to us about how you find the materials.

*School evaluation: Please join us!* Feb 2024

We are currently looking for teachers (who have used or are planning to use the Our Class resources) and schools to be part of our evaluation so we can get feedback on the materials, and measure their impact. We would be delighted if you’d like to contribute to this, and we can offer incentives (i.e. vouchers) to schools and teachers to thank you for your time. Please contact us if you’d like to be involved!

*Over 1900 educators have downloaded the Our Class materials so far (& counting…!)*

We are thrilled to see how many educators have found and downloaded the Our Class materials so far. As of 27th Feb 2024, 1925 people have downloaded the resources. We hope you are finding them useful in your practice, and that children enjoy the stories and lessons. Please consider contributing to our evaluation so we can measure effectiveness and track impact

*Launch event recording available*

Thanks to those who attended our launch event on 9th March 2023. For those who couldn’t make it, here is a recording of the talks:

*Launch event for the Our Class resources*

To celebrate the official launch of the ‘Our Class’ resources, we are holding an online event on Thursday 9th March (5-6pm). The authors, Claire and Rachel, will talk about the research behind the materials, and how the resources were designed. We also have Victoria Pugh as our guest speaker, who is an expert in primary PSHE. Please do come along!

*Our Class resources awarded PSHE Association Quality Mark*

We are delighted to announce that the PSHE Association have reviewed the Our Class resources and awarded us their Quality Mark! This shows that the materials meet their high standards of best practice for safe and effective PSHE education.

*Awaiting PSHE Association feedback*

Our resources are currently being reviewed by the PSHE Association for their Quality Mark. We will update once we know the outcome!

*Full resource pack now available to download*

We are pleased that the pack of materials featuring 5 stories and lesson plans are now available for educators to download.

*Feedback from expert panel*

Thanks to our panel of experts who reviewed our materials and enabled us to produce the resources now available to download

*Open seminar to launch materials held by the Institute of Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich* NEW

Claire and Rachel presented an open seminar in May to discuss the new Relationships Education and introduce the pilot materials. See the details here and view the recording of the session here: Session recording

*Northants educators hear about the Our Class resources*

Rachel and Claire introduced the Our Class resources at 2 recent events. The first was a conference for Northamptonshire ELSAs, and the second was at EducatingNorthants. A recording of the EducatingNorthants talk can be accessed here:

*Launch of the pilot materials*

We are pleased to announce that a set of sample materials of the resources to be trialled via the pilot study are now available. These can be downloaded by following the links on this site. You will be invited to provide feedback on the materials after you have downloaded them and used/reviewed them.

*Covid-19 delays*

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic and school closures, our plans to go into schools to pilot the resources had to be put on hold. However, we have now launched our online survey, where parents, teachers and educational professionals have the opportunity to download and review a pilot version of the materials. We also plan to be able to start piloting them in schools in the Summer term 2021

*Illustrations bring our resources to life*

We are very grateful for funding from the University of Greenwich which enabled us to recruit an illustrator for our resources. Isaac Smith has produced a stunning range of images to illustrate the materials, bring the characters to life, and help them to appeal to our young audience.