“Asking someone to unlearn what they have already learnt, is an unrealistic and near impossible expectation. However, asking someone to reconsider, adopt and recontextualise what they have learnt to suit the changing environment and/or situation, can be more achievable. Learning cannot be undone. We need to re-examine our expectations of others, and continue to find […]
Negativity to Positivity
Eliminate the negative, to illuminate the positive; if in doubt, check it out. Stay blessed
How do we support diverse learners to Succeed? – Time for a change in Mindset
Author: Nathan Dodzo – Broadcast Journalist and Academic (Lecturer in Media and Journalism) The student population of the UK has certainly changed from the mainly white, mainly male profile of 50 years ago, to a more diverse community. Diversity and inclusion can be mainly associated with class, ethnicity, religion, ability and gender. Over the past […]
A better tomorrow
“A better tomorrow start with what you do today. Making the most of your opportunities, not taking anything for granted, appreciating and building on what you have is a good start. Keep it positive and stay focused on your goals” – Dodzo 2016
Focus on the Goal
“If we all did the things we are capable of we would astound ourselves” – Thomas Eddison