Breakthrough at the Bookshelves

Looking for books? We’ve got a whole load of them! From physical books from our library collection, to a wide range of digital books and resources that you can access online.

Books icon for the Breakthrough at the Bookshelves task (opens in a new window)

This challenge will get you looking at NELSON, the University’s library database, where you can browse the physical and digital books and online databases available to you during your studies. NELSON stands for Northampton Electronic Library Search ONline.

Bookmark NELSON on your web browser, as you will be using it to discover library resources:

You may find it helpful to watch the quick introductory video, which shows you how to search for resources. We also have a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions about NELSON if you had a specific question.

Start here with part one…
Begin the Challenge: Breakthrough the Bookshelves Part One (PDF) | (DOCX)

… then move on to part two once you have the answers from part one.
Begin the Challenge: Breakthrough the Bookshelves Part Two (PDF) | (DOCX)