Waste Stories 14/11/2017


The Healthcare Waste and Resources Research Group

1. Guidelines for providing product sustainability information

Read more here

2. Free webinar: strategic review of charging for waste treatment sites – 29 November: 11:00am – 12:15pm

The Environment Agency is currently undertaking a Strategic Review of Charges for many sectors, these will include changes to the approach for all waste treatment sites.  CIWM is pleased to be able to host a webinar with panellist Paul Fernee, Senior Advisor from the Environment Agency introducing these changes.  He will be explaining the approach behind the changes, the new charging structure and answering some of your questions.
Join CIWM at 11.00am to 12.15pm on Wednesday 29 November 2018.  This is a free webinar for members and non-members.

For more information and to book, click here

3. Organisations required for the Group’s student experience programme

The Group is looking for organisations that would be willing to support a student for its ‘2-day work experience’ programme. The programme is now in its third year, and previously has been undertaken with various organisations including SRCL, Bywaters and Grundon, with positive feedback both from the students and the organisations. It offers the opportunity to facilitate the entry of students/future employees into the sector. The expenses for the students’ travel, accommodation and subsistence will be paid by the Group, using monies generated from its seminars. If you are interested, please email terry.tudor@northampton.ac.uk.

4. Climate change in the UK: What will be the impact on health, mortality and frontline NHS services?

A joint event hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Health Group, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change, the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change.

“Climate change isn’t just hurting the planet – it’s a public health emergency.” That’s the conclusion of Christiana Figueres, Chair of the Lancet Countdown, who published a report on 31 October 2017 which has shone a light on the damaging impacts that climate change is having on our health. In order to discuss this public health crisis in further detail – and to explore what we can do about it – we have teamed up with the Lancet Countdown, the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change and the APPG on Health, in order to host a panel discussion on the impact of climate change and health. 

Please e-mail appccg@policyconnect.org.uk to register a space.

For more information, click here

5. Innovate UK Innovation loans

Innovation loans are a financial product offered by Innovate UK. They are for UK businesses that want to scale up and grow through innovation, developing new or improved products, processes or services.

Through innovation loans, Innovate UK aims to give businesses support to gain the competitive edge and also grow the UK economy. Loans may be offered where a business can demonstrate they are suitable and eligible.

They are for late-stage research and development (R&D) projects only. A late-stage R&D project is one which builds on a new idea but has not yet reached the point of commercialisation.

For more inforamtion, click here