May 2022 – Call for stories!

Well it’s been a while!  We’ve been busy beavering away behind the scenes on the project! We are really grateful to the students who have taken part in our focus groups and with our initial analysis complete we’re moving on to the next stage of the project… Have you got a story you’d like to share? Our call for stories is now live and you can find more info about this below…

Call for stories – brief (002)

January 2022 – Focus group

We have started to collect information on developing questions for the focus group.

Firstly, meet as a project group to develop areas to gather more information on. From this we devised a padlet (which can be compared to an online flip chart) and below are the areas we came up:

  • Extended and close family experience of university?
  • Support outside and within the university?
  • Social networking at the university?
  • Mentoring and coaching opportunities
  • Effects of attitude and behaviour of others on student experience
  • Barriers to learning experienced – examples that stand out
  • Learning and teaching experience – examples that stands out
  • Financial situation
  • Child care experience
  • Placement experience

Then we sent out an advert to meet with some nursing students from the Black student nursing community (Wednesday 15th December 11-12pm). We had a great response with 32 students attending and the information gathered helped us to develop the questions for the focus groups.

Thank you again to all those students who supported the session