Outdoor Classroom Day 2018

The second 2018 Outdoor Classroom Day is set for November 1st, but why not think about how your teaching and learning can be enhanced with even more outside experiences on any day, or plan ahead ready for the next day, May 23rd 2019.

In May 2018 , a record 2,612 schools and nearly 350,000 children took part across the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI) so the movement is aiming to challenge schools once more to take lessons outdoors and prioritise playtime – you can sign up to their website to join the global movement.

Whether you want to join in on November 1st or just consider how to enhance pupil’s learning and well being by using the outdoor environment, there is a wealth of resource links on the Outdoor Classroom Day website, from downloadable links and ideas to research:  https://outdoorclassroomday.org.uk/resources/

Muddy PuddlesMuddy Puddles are sponsoring a Let’s Get Muddy competition and offering the opportunity to win one of 5 sets of outdoor suits by uploading a photo/s of your outdoor day – a greater incentive to help children get outdoors, even when the weather is not so warm.

Learning through Landscapes

Learning through Landscapes also offer lots of ideas and resources for outdoor learning experiences as well as a free training resource for primary playtime- Playtime Revolution.



These are just 3 links to organisations that support the benefits of learning beyond the classroom, there are many more; you and your setting will also have lots of other ideas or partners that can scaffold outdoor experiences with your children and young people.

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