Why not find out how you can enhance your skills and practice when integrating digital technology and creative arts with other subjects. You do not need to have time out of school, but participate online at a time and pace to suit yourself.
The DLaB project is offering a free, interactive and participatory online course which will focus on using digital technology and the creative arts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – known as STEM to STEAM.
The course is aimed at primary and lower secondary practitioners, however anyone with an interest in the field is very welcome. It is in English and is divided into three sections, each with a different theme and suggested activities which is self paced, requiring approximately 2 hours time per section.
One of the most exciting aspects of this course is the chance to share and reflect upon co-created resources with a community of fellow practitioners. Real life examples, photos, videos and comments within the community will give the course a truly practical focus. The community will also give you a chance to make some international connections and set up some collaborations of your own. You can join the community now introduce yourself and start sharing STEAM ideas.
You can find more information at the website: http://dlaberasmus.eu/