Monthly Archives: December 2016

Run down to Christmas

As the last week of term is under way along with the various seasonal activities that so many of you will be involved in, East Midlands HLTA Network wishes you all a very happy and restful Christmas and a peaceful … Continue reading

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Reporting on latest PISA and TIMSS data

The latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA ) report recently published by OECD analyses tests taken every 3 years by by 15-year-olds in the core academic disciplines of reading, maths and science. This has been widely reported in the press … Continue reading

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An interesting article on assessment only routes to QTS

In Schools Week, an article by Jess Staufenberg discussed the developing number of teachers gaining QTS through an assessment only route. A range of views are explored along with the differing models of pricing structure and entry criteria. The DfE … Continue reading

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