Monthly Archives: September 2016

DfE release data on Key stage 1 assessments in England, 2016

The Department for Education  has released Key stage 1 data on the phonics screening check and end of key stage 1 teacher assessments in reading, writing and mathematics. The report shows that 81% of pupils met the expected standard of … Continue reading

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How important are teaching assistants?

Yesterday (September 14th) on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme there was an item about the importance of teaching assistants. You can hear it at this link: Clip from Today 14 Sept  – scroll across until you get to 2:48:30 … Continue reading

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What are you views on the Green Paper: Schools that Work for Everyone?

As you have probably seen in the news, the Education Secretary, Justine Greening, has announced the publication of a Green Paper on 12th September, 2016 outlining the Government’s plans for school reform. This is a consultation period and you can … Continue reading

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Roald Dahl Day coming soon

Why not start the term with a celebration on Roald Dahl Day – 13th September? This year it is 100 years since he was born in Llandaff, Wales – there are lots of events and ideas suggested on the website. … Continue reading

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