A self-assessment guide for school staff – Making best use of teaching assistants

The Education Endowment Foundation have created a self assessment guide to go along side their report, Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants, which sets out seven evidence-based recommendations on the effective use of TAs.

This Red Amber Green (RAG) self-assessment guide developed by Jonathan Sharples (Education Endowment Foundation) and
Rob Webste (UCL Institute of Education)  describes what ‘ineffective’, ‘improving’ and ‘exemplary’ practice can look like
in relation to:
•Deployment of TAs in the classroom (Recommendation I, II)
•TAs’ interactions with pupils (Recommendation III)
•Teacher/TA preparation and training (Recommendation IV)
•TAs delivering targeted, structured interventions (Recommendation V, VI, VII)
It can be used as part of an initial audit process to establish current practice (i.e. point of departure), as well as to monitor progress towards the development of more effective practice (i.e. direction of travel).
If you are working with teachers who are aiming to establish the best ways to deploy support staff in your setting or your own role includes you making decisions about how support staff are deployed to support teaching and learning, this document may well be helpful.

The document can be accessed via the hyper link or the link below.

RAG_self-assessment(1) for deployment of TA



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