The DLAB project has seven Intellectual Outputs (IOs). These share and communicate our project and resources with others.
IO1: an Open Educational Resources (OER) website.
IO2: three eTwinning project kits.
IO3: three open online courses based on innovative digital technologies such as artificial realities.
IO4: a series of DLAB- talks pitching collaborative projects and prototype solutions.
IO5: a set of articles for publication in national and international journals on themes such as participatory action research, entrepreneurship and playful learning, social innovation education, and developing changemakers in education
IO6: a framework for supporting international collaboration days with digital technologies.
IO7: a toolkit for developing changemakers in initial teacher training.
IO1: website
IO1 is the project’s OER-website where we have gathered knowledge and information produced in DLAB2. The website is hosted by University of Northampton.
IO2: eTwinning
IO2 concerns the eTwinning part of the DLAB2 project. eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. We have used this platform to share and communicate in the DLAB2 project. Follow this link to find out more about eTwinning and how we used it.
We have created three Twinspaces, one for each project year, documenting the collaboration between the participating countries and the didactical details of the project. The Twinspaces on the eTwinning website offer a safe environment to collaborate and disseminate the outcomes of the activities of the partnership. For example, we have used the Twinspaces every year to share pictures and videos produced by the participating pupils and students during the three international days each year. On the Twinspaces we have also shared planning documents, student reflections and evaluations.
IO3: online courses
IO3 documents the CPD-courses (Continuing Professional Development-courses) created at the end of each project year. The aim of the CPD-courses has been to disseminate the project results and educate other students and educators who might have an interest in European collaboration and learning about the didactics related to creating changemaker skills and using technology in the process. The CPD-courses have been created using the experiences and knowledge gathered during the LTT-meetings (Learning Teaching Training) with participation of lecturers, teachers, and students as well as the experiences from the international days in the schools.
Visit the courses by navigating the tabs above, or by clicking below:
2020 online course
2021 online course
2022 online course
IO4: DLAB-talks
In IO4 the students involved in the project have created a series of DLAB-talks in connection with the International Days. In these, they reflect upon their learning and experiences during the project as well as their thoughts on creating and carrying out units that aim to develop changemaker skills. These skills are developed by applying an innovative and pupil-involving didactic as well as using technology as a means of solving relevant personal and social problems.
DLAB talks – year 1
DLAB talks – year 2 (part 1) and year 2 (part 2)
DLAB-talks – year 3
IO5: Publications
The aim of IO5 has been to create a series of articles based on the research carried out in the project. The work has resulted in a number of articles where the focal point has been on researching how changemaker skills and intercultural competences are developed through collaborating with pupils and students from other countries towards solving common problems. The majority of articles have been written in English and have been published in various scientific journals. On the website you will find a link to a pdf with all the articles.
For more details, see the dissemination page of this website.
IO6: Framework for International Days
In IO6 we have created a framework for using technology as a tool in international collaboration with the aim of developing changemaker attributes through innovative learning units. The framework consists of a Padlet with an article and three Padlets – one for each project year – where all the technologies we have used in the particular year are presented. The presentations detail how the tool works – there is a tutorial for each tool, how it has been used in the project as well as reflections on other uses for the tool. In addition, there is a description from each country of how the tools have facilitated collaboration. Finally, the tools and their uses have been cross-referenced to the European Digital Competence Framework.
The framework can be found here: Framework for international days
IO7: Toolkit for developing changemakers
The aim of IO7 has been to detail the didactical steps to take when you want to plan units or lessons that attempt to strengthen changemaker competences within education. It has resulted in a toolkit where you can find instructions and examples on how to design, plan, execute, and evaluate teaching units. In the toolkit you will find a definition of what a changemaker is and which competences a changemaker strives to possess. We introduce to the innovative didactic approach of the double diamond, where changemaker skills are developed by working through four sequential steps: discover, define, develop, and deliver. In the toolkit we have included examples of the DLAB activities made in each step of the double diamond. We have also included a subpage with additional resources, where you can find research articles and additional information on becoming a changemaker.
The toolkit can be found here: Toolkit for developing changemakers