We disseminate our work in a variety of ways, for example through publications, conferences and events. Just a few examples of this are below, but check our Twitter feed (@dlab_erasmus) for others.
Caldwell, H. Digital Learning Across Boundaries. Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association (TPEA) blog [online]. https://tpea.ac.uk/digital-learning-across-boundaries-using-technologies-to-support-changemaking-in-an-international-context/
Caldwell, H., Whewell, E., and Heaton, R. (2020) The impact of Visual posts on creative thinking and knowledge building in an online community of educators. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 36 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100647
Casal-Otero, L., Cebreiro, B., & Fernández-Morante, C. (2021). DLAB2: innovación educativa con TIC para una vida saludable de los escolares europeos. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes, 10(1), 63-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21071/ripadoc.v10i1.13265
Damsgaard, C., Hjelm, H. H. & Worm, C. (2022) Professionsforståelser på tværs af grænser. Professional understandings across borders. UCN Perspektiv, 12, (in Press)
De Laere, F. and Caldwell, H. (2021) DLAB Changemakers: Breaking physical, personal and environmental boundaries through innovative education. Presentation at: Global Minds Conference. https://www.vlaamsehogescholenraad.be/nl/breakout-session-7
Hall, E. (2020) How I made my students’ Erasmus project a success. Times Educational Supplement magazine [online]. Available from: https://www.tes.com/magazine/archive/how-i-made-my-students-erasmus-project-success
Whewell, E., Caldwell, H., Garrett, B. and Malloch, G. (2021) Digital Learning Across Boundaries (DLAB): Immersive technologies supporting changemaking in an international context. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, 27,19–32. https://doi.org/10.7203/realia.27.18019
Whewell, E., Caldwell, H., Frydenberg, M and Andone, D. (2022) Changemakers as digital makers: Connecting and co-creating (2022) Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-10892-1
Norwegian institutional article (HIOF)
DLAB presentation at Merged Futures 2020:
Digital Learning Across Boundaries: Using technologies to support changemaking in an international context
A team of four lecturers and students from the University of Northampton presented at the online Merged Futures conference 2020 on 12th June https://www.digitalnorthampton.com/mergedfutures organised by Digital Northampton https://www.digitalnorthampton.com/. This event was attended live by several hundred people and all the sessions were recorded.
Read a post about the presentation here: https://mypad.northampton.ac.uk/dlaberasmus/2020/06/14/dlab-presentation-at-merged-futures-2020