Get active, explore near environments and share. Spain’s International Day 1.

Spain’s International Day 1 experience

Our 1st International day was mainly about our students getting to know each other. Three different countries got together to open a surprise box containing a flag from each country, different gastronomic products and tags with the names of each product. The objective was that the students tasted different traditional food and learnt how to identify the names of each product. We used video conference software so that the students could interact and ask each other different questions about the food from each country.

After this activity all our students grouped together, grabbed an iPad, and we went outside to the countryside to identify different animals, insects, fungi, trees or plants. In Spain our students used an interesting APP so that they could insert data about these different living things. This App allowed them to take photographs and write small reviews on each element found and finally mark the exact GPS location. Finally, we gathered all this information and prepared a PowerPoint to send to the other countries so that they could review our findings and prepare themselves for the 2nd International day where they will have to use this information in the future activities.

To close our 1st International day we gathered together and built a WordCloud to get some feedback on the students thoughts and ideas about the activities we did.

You can watch a video of Day 1 below.

Technology we used:

– Skype
- Keynote
- PowerPoint
- Google Translate
- Cesgaapp
- Menti

Student tasks:

Take pictures and tag 10 different species (trees, animals, bugs, moss, flowers, rocks).

Go in your group and decide on 3 plants and 2 animals that you want to present in your project.

Make a presentation using APPs.

Dr Lorena Casal Otero

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