Research Assistant

Hello everyone! I am really excited to introduce myself to the ‘Usual Suspects’ project today. My name is Brittany and I am the Research Assistant on the project. I’m looking forward to sharing with you all a bit about me! My first degree was in Psychology where my main research interests were, intellectual disabilities, mental health and neuroscience. After enjoying my Psychology degree, I furthered my education and studied Cognitive Neuroscience MSc. I found this fascinating; I believe this is where my passion for research started. My research used fMRI scans to investigate the neuronal activity of repetitive behaviours in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Aside from my psychology background, I am also interested in sociology which I studied at A-Level. I am passionate about social change and interested in the consequences of human behaviour, especially the debates surrounding equality, justice and inclusion. I feel this is what drew me to the present project. I am really looking forward to researching the BAME attainment gap, I am particularly interested to see some of the reasons why this is occurring and what we can do to close this gap.

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