
We will evaluate the success of the project in several ways. Firstly, we will obtain qualitative feedback (via interviews) from the student video creators/participants about their experiences of doing this and what they have gained from it. We will also gather quantitative and qualitative feedback (via a survey and focus group) from a sample of students about the quality and content of the videos, and their potential use and perceived benefits. In the longer term, we will measure impact via engagement with the video resources that are produced (via Youtube analytics) and via other subject metrics (e.g. module evaluation, recruitment, diversity indicators). We will also seek feedback from staff about how these videos have been integrated within psychology programmes during review and planning and offer an LLS seminar on our findings. Engagement in the project via attendance at our dissemination events (conferences) and monitoring the sharing/uptake of the user guide will demonstrate impact to a wider audience. NSS data (2021-2022) regarding learning community will provide a basis for understanding if opportunities for collaboration have been created.