E-cologies of digital learning

What does digital literacy mean to you?

As a student, this can mean many things. Whether it be being able to turn a computer on, or being savvy with online social media platform like Facebook or Instagram. But how many people really understand the meaning of Digital Literacy?

Image result for digital literacy

Reaching students: The Pilot

We took this question and created a pilot study for students. As we were looking at digital literacy, we thought it would be best to use an online source, but this did come with its limitations – programmes not supported and WIFI being some the issues! However, despite some challenges, we were able to collect 40 responses – certainly more successful than our initial study during the first phase of TECH4All last year.

The study was a short survey asking for a definition of digital literacy and if the students had received any training, alongside some basic demographic information (course, age etc).

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What we have learned

We found that most were unsure what digital literacy was and there was a gap in the understanding of what it means. It was also a surprise for us to see that ‘training’ for them meant ‘in general’, with responses like ‘first aid’ being entered.

From this we now understand that we need to be more specific on our questioning and perhaps ask more direct questions. And maybe this will give us a clearer understanding of what gaps, if any, lie with the students understand of digital literacy and how to use the digital tools available to them.

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Ashlee • 28th January 2020

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