E-cologies of digital learning


Digital niches: the challenge of defining digital literacy

No agreed definition: ambiguity, confusion and the evolution of the Web Since 1997 when Gilster (1997: 1-2) defined digital literacy as, “the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers. The concept of literacy goes beyond simply being able to read; it…

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TECH4ALL#2 under lockdown: digital e-cologies

On 23rd of March 2020 the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, at the daily update declared to the nation that from March 26 a set of ‘distancing’ measures would be put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. It was the beginning of the lockdown which would continue for the next two months. These changes…

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Progress so far: TECH4ALL#2’s contribution to Networking Event

Ecologies are living systems containing a diversity of factors that interact with each other that are self-organising, adaptive and fragile. (Jackson, 2015:1) TECH4ALL#2 conceptualises digital literacy as the product of an ongoing learning process of adaptation taking place in and across multiple ecological spaces. Within these spaces, digital literacy is not an essentialist concept, but…

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Adapt and adopt: flexibility, opportunism and companionship on the research journey

Research starts as a well planned journey, a bit like a guided holiday, but, as you get on your travel, it turns out to be more like an adventure in the outbacks. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity, a new discovery, a new challenge. And along the way, you meet others who…

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Is it wise to let the lunatics have their say on the running of the asylum?

As part of the TECH4ALL#2 research project, I have had the unique opportunity to interview several key personnel at the University of Northampton (UoN). I say unique as it is not common practice at higher learning institutions to allow undergraduate students to conduct in-depth, probing semi-structured interviews with department heads regarding potentially sensitive issues. Protected by…

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What does digital literacy mean to you?

As a student, this can mean many things. Whether it be being able to turn a computer on, or being savvy with online social media platform like Facebook or Instagram. But how many people really understand the meaning of Digital Literacy? Reaching students: The Pilot We took this question and created a pilot study for…

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Reflections from a Research Assistant

What does digital literacy mean to you? This was the first question on our pilot investigation. In hindsight, there’s already some limitations to this question, which we identified following a response of ‘it is important to me..’, indicating the questions ambiguity. The experience of organising a pilot investigation has helped us to be better informed…

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Follow us

We’d like to keep in touch and hear from other students and colleagues their experiences, ideas, and suggestions about digital literacy. Do follow us on: Twitter: Tech4AllUoN  @uo_all  

Meet the Team

The TECH4ALL#2 team is a continuation of the collaboration established between staff, undergraduate and postgraduate research students in the TECH4All project. To focus on digital literacy as an aspect of learning and teaching was their idea. I take credit for thinking about the notion of e-cologies. Here is the team! Cristina Devecchi is a Senior…

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The project: A new HE digital landscape

Recent research, including UoN based such as the first reiteration of TECH4All and surveys by the Learning Technology department,  challenges the assumption that there is a digital generational gap between students and staff. Rather, there is much diversity in regard to the digital literacy, competence and fluency of both. TECH4All also showed how technology to…

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